Sonam Kapoor looked stunning at the launch of the first Apple Store in Mumbai on Monday. The actress arrived at the event in a chic black outfit, which she accessorized with a pair of gold earrings and a yellow clutch. Kapoor’s hair was styled in a sleek bun and her makeup was simple and elegant.

Kapoor was joined at the event by her husband, Anand Ahuja, and other celebrities, including Alia Bhatt, Ranveer Singh, and Deepika Padukone. The event was hosted by Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple.

The launch of the Apple Store in Mumbai is a major milestone for the company. It is the first Apple Store in India and it is located in the heart of Mumbai’s business district. The store is expected to be a popular destination for both locals and tourists.

Kapoor’s appearance at the launch event was a major coup for Apple. The actress is one of the most popular celebrities in India and her presence at the event helped to generate excitement for the store.

Kapoor’s outfit was also a hit with fans. The black dress was simple but elegant and it showed off Kapoor’s curves. Her hair and makeup were also perfectly styled for the event.

Sonam Kapoor Dazzles at Apple Store Launch in Mumbai
